santa fe floral new mexico
Santa Fe Wedding flowers
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Every Church, Temple or ceremony location will have specific needs. Below are some general ideas that can be used at most locations or personalized to fit an individuals desires. In many cases a Bride will choose to use mostly whites, creams, ivory, and champagne as colors for her ceremony lending a more elegant, Bridal feel while leaving color for her reception. I tend to feel that understated elegance is preferable to over doing it with flowers, though some settings may require more than others may.

Pew Bows

White or ivory satin bows for every other pew from back to front. These can be plain, with light greenery or with flowers and greenery. Plain ($15. ea.)
With greenery ($18. ea.)
With flowers and greenery ($25. ea. & up)

An alternative to the above pew bows is a more Victorian look of grapevine, hydrangas, lemons, limes, miniature roses and lunaria on each pew or just those of the family. ($25. ea. & up) Garland priced per foot.

Aisle Railing

For those Sanctuary�s that have aisle railings it is beautiful to have a garland of mixed light greenery and small white blossoms with votives scattered amidst the garland. ($100. & up)

Pedestal Arrangements

Two pedestals with large, abundant bouquets for either side of the altar. These bouquets can be designed using larger blooms with ivy and light fern spilling over the pedestal. ($100.ea & up)

Pedestal rentals require a $25.00 deposit each. Deposit is refunded upon the return of undamaged pedestal.

Altar Flowers

Generally this arrangement is long and low with some flowers and greenery gently draping over the front of the altar. ($75. & up)


Either seven or nine light candelabras decorated with flowers and greenery, using dripless candles. ($100. for set of two)

Candelabra rental requires a $25.00 deposit each. Deposit is refunded upon the return of undamaged Candelabra.

Unity Candle

Often used in place of an altar arrangement a unity candle arrangement is perfect for those who wish to add this to their service. An ivory pillar candle surrounded with mixed light greenery and white blossoms with two ivory tapers for the Bride and Groom to use. ($45.)