Nosegay Bouquets
Round bouquet of 18-24 open roses with English ivy wrapped in satin ribbon. This bouquet is a simple, elegant look and can be made with any color, or color combination, of rose. It is especially attractive in shades of cream, white, ivory, and champagne. A clean, attractive, and contemporary style bouquet. (100. and up)
In the same vein, bouquets of all miniature calla lilies are striking in their grace and simplicity. Miniature calla lilies are available in gorgeous shades of white, pink, yellow, flame and deep burgundy. Another beautiful choice are cymbidium orchids, also available in a variety of shades such as white, celadon, pink, gold, terra cotta and pale yellow. Both choices create head to head, clean lined and elegant bouquets that compliment nearly all Bridal gowns. (150. and up)
European Hand-tied Garden Bouquet
Colorful bouquets in shades of lavender, pink, cream, pale yellow, blue, and lilac. Soft and feminine, this bouquet is less formal and would include such flowers as lilies, delphinium, freesia, lunaria, and gerbera. Depending upon the season it could include spring flowers such as tulips, lilac, and daffodils, summer blossoms such as peonies, lily-of-the valley, and phlox or fall flowers such as zinnias and sunflowers.
This bouquet can also be created with all white garden flowers. (85.~100.)
Cascade Bouquets
A traditional cascading bouquet, usually in all white, to include such flowers as gardenias, roses, stephanotis, lilies, orchids, and ivy. The cascade is generally 18-24" long, a narrow bouquet, elegant and sophisticated. (135. and up)